First Sunday of Christmas Service December 27, 2020
Celebrating the spiritual gifts from God (peace, light, wisdom and love)
Christmas Eve Service December 24, 2020
Christmas carols and the Nativity story
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Sunday December 17, 2020 Taping of Christmas Eve Scripture Readings
The crew hard at work filming scripture readings
Sunday December 13, 2020
Rev.Irene Ty, Christine and John MacDougall enacting the scripture passage" Isaiah 61: God will give you a garland, God will clothe you with garments of salvation. God will cover you with the robe of righteousness."
December 6, 2020
Dorothea Phair (chair of Leadership Council) was presented with a plant arrangement and a thank you card from the congregation for her dedication and time and energy in caring for the congregation's well being
December 5, 2020 Community Action Team Day
Amnesty letter writing , Pewter Ornament Fundraiser and Poinsettias Pick Up Day
Liturgical Dance November 22, 2020
The lovely ladies dancing to "Make a Joyful Noise"
Liturgical Dancing November 4, 2020
Practice for Sunday's sermon dancing to "Deep in our Hearts"
All Saints Day Service November 1, 2020
The lighting of candles in memory of our loved ones
Choir Taping October 28, 2020
Our wonderful choir team coming together to make wonderful music
Intercultural Service October 25, 2020
People and cultures coming together to celebrate Canadian diversity in the church
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Thanksgiving Service October 18, 2020
Celebrating World Food Sunday
Summer of Covid-19 Social Distance Under the Trees
Thank you to Betty Seunarine for co-ordinating from May to October 2020.
This gathering was enjoyed by all who attended with stories, prayers and songs.